Grepolis resources - Welcome

Welcome to Grepolis resources. We dedicate ourselfes to get you the most out of Grepolis by accumulating all information we can find about the game on the net.
In this free browser based online game, it is your task to build up your small Polis (Greek for town) to a huge metropolis, establish a powerful army and navy and finally conquer islands far away. On your trip to glory and honor, you should also take care of the gods of the Greek Pantheon: Zeus, Hera, Athena or Poseidon's, their favor could be essential in your victory or defeat.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Being Attacked Guide

This grepolis guide comes from our friends at

If you're getting attacked in grepolis, there are two choices for you. One is to defend what you'll be hit with and the other is to dodge; by dodge I mean to empty your city and let the enemy hit thin air. This can tricky in case the attack is a take over attempt though, but I'll analyze that later.

First steps to take:
- spend all your resources and store remaining resources in your market
- get out your militia (enlist) and research city guard
- use any divine spells to weaken your enemy

What can the gods do for you?
Depending on which gods you're worshiping, first thing you can do is to use Athena's wisdom on the incoming attack and know what's coming your way. Knowledge is power.

Next thing you can do is to cast Poseidon's Sea Storm on the incoming attack to destroy 10-30% of the troops (naval, but would hurt land troops if the attack is coming by sea). In similar manner you can cast Zeus' Rage to kill 10-30% of the land troops (either coming by land or on the ships). You can also cast Hera's Desire if you're certain the attack involves land troops.

OK, let's talk about a single attack at first.
Use any gods you've got on your side as explained above. Then it's time to decide whether you'll be taking the hit or not. If you think you have plenty of defensive units to withstand the hit and would love some battle points, then stay and take it.

Otherwise, dodge! This means sending all of your troops to support a nearby city (friendly one if possible) until the attack has passed... and if you want to annoy the attacker, make sure you enlist your militia; that way you'll get a few battle points in case the attack involves land troops and he'll get nothing for killing that.

If you're dodging you'd want to hide all non hiden resources, so the attacker will really hit thin air and have his feelings hurt by getting no loot on top of that. So, make some orders in the senate (preferably level up and max out that city wall) and the rest put on the market place. That will piss off anybody.

What if the incoming attack is not an attack, but attacks though.
Well, don't panic or you'll be making one stupid mistake after another. Now that you're calm (at least you're trying to be), you might want to consider what if some of those attacks is a take over attempt. Many players tend to send support that should arrive after such attack, so you would easily know. Another trick to know when to expect a take over attempt is when the attack is taking too many hours to reach, while the enemy is having other attacks hitting your city much earlier.

The key point here is to be careful when dodging a take over attempt, because if you dodge and don't call your troops back before the siege begins then you'll have no control over those troops.
Alright, having said that, there's another key point when you're facing multiple attacks. Some players are being arrogant... ignorant even, maybe they underestimate you. And what do they do? They send naval attacks at first and the land attacks later (with a few minutes difference).

What's so stupid about that you might ask. Well, they usually don't bother to send any offensive navy with the land attack, in fact they usually don't send any navy at all because they're certain their first naval attack/s should have cleared your navy. OK, here's your chance to make them pay.

Given that you know the exact times of the incoming attacks, you can time in between and have a bireme or lightship ready before the final attack (let's suppose that'd be the land-troops-only one). You will have all the units killed of course, because your single lightship/bireme will sink all transports. Ouch!

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